
Out of the ordinary transport

specific open containers
specific open containers
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Since the port of Reykhólar is in a state of limbo, the annual algal meal bulk-freighter cannot reach the dock. Instead, the towers are emptied into meal-containers and transported to Hólmavík (62km away). Considerable swithches and arrangements are needed to get the meal from the towers into these top-less containers to facilitate the annual export this time. Specially lined containers, additional extension of nozzles and augers that pump meal from towers, 4 trucks on non-stop trips, a whole gang of drivers and the harbor scales at Hólmavík are all involved in this extraordinary project.

Easing the trucks towards the factory facility had to be planned in detail.  The fence had to be taken down and the gates widened. The containers must not be overfilled either, because then there is a risk that the axle-weight limit on regional roads might be surpassed. These transfers will probably last three full working days.

The project has tested team working abilities, thinking out of the box  and has been unusual, challenging and a little exciting all at the same time. When finally all the seaweed meal from last Asco season lands in the ships' hold, all the winter work in Thorverk seems absolutely insignificant! 

In a conversation with the drivres they admitted that there are birds with youngs that line the roads as well as rows of ewes and lambs on the roadside. They drive carefully and rather slowly with all this weight.